Having hosted
teenagers in my home recently, I was astonished by how late they stayed up and
how late they slept in, and particularly how late they slept in even if they hadn’t stayed up late. I try to sleep in sometimes but it just
doesn’t work. In fact, even sleeping
through the night is becoming a challenge.
I don’t sleep soundly enough, so the cat disturbs me, or the morning sunlight leaking in past the blind, or a distant passing train. Plus, I can’t get my
temperature right. Often, the soundtrack
to my dreams is one heavy metal song for like four hours, so the sheer repetition
bores me awake.
The following
essay, written 27 years ago during my college days, is about sleeping. Back then I often wrote little essays much
like my modern blog posts (but not, I hope, as good) and photocopied them,
shrinking four pages to fit on one sheet of paper, to mail around to friends
and family. This essay is from a series
called “How to Be a UCSB Student.” (By
the time I transferred to Berkeley, I’d become wiser—realizing I didn’t know
anything—and stopped writing how-to guides.)
How to Sleep Away Your College Days - October 27, 1989
Part One: Choosing a major
While this may not
seem like a normal category to be listed under “sleep,” it actually makes
perfect sense. Just check the chart
below, locate the number of hours of sleep you’d prefer, and choose your major
Expected Sleep
N/A – nobody
really majors in this
4-7 hours per
Art Studio
12-18 hours per
12-18 hours per
6-8 hours per
0 hours per night
because you toss and turn debating yourself
Any other major
I don’t actually
know ... go do your own research
Part Two: When is bedtime?
While I have tried
to study a variety of majors, my current data is limited to my college household: English, Art Studio, and Electrical
English major: You can pretty much go to bed when you want
to. I wouldn’t bother trying to sleep
before midnight, though. Until then, the ambient noise in your bedroom will be in the “ear-splitting” range anyway, either
due to a party outside or your art studio roommate trying to teach himself the
Art Studio major: There are few guidelines; the only hard-and-fast rule is that you must
never retire before 2:00 a.m. What you
do until this time is up to you: check
out a show, paint, try to teach yourself the clarinet, or even nap. TIP: If
you nap enough during the day, it’ll be easy to stay up late, so on those days
you have morning studio you’ll be falling asleep at the easel. This can only help your work.
Electrical Engineering major: Bedtime? Are you kidding? Try to hit the sack sometime before you
collapse from exhaustion — hopefully as close to this point as possible. Also, try to turn in before your roommate
wakes up so you don’t have to compete for the shower.
Part Three: Snoring
The only advice I
can give you about snoring is the same advice your roommates will give
you: roll over and shut the hell up! But if you’re suffering from a snoring
roommate, you have a more difficult task.
An occasional
snorer can be silenced with a shove, a thump on the wall, or being awakened and
told to roll over and shut the hell up.
But these techniques are useless on a hard-core snorer. I have studied this case thoroughly, and I’ve
found that there is a passive-aggressive motivation behind repeated
snoring. Usually, the snorer is the one
who gets the least sleep, and who must get ready for bed in the dark while his
roommates sleep peacefully. Though he
may not realize it, the snorer feels a deep-seated hostility for those who have
more time to sleep, and subconsciously decides to ruin their slumber by
impersonating a one-cylinder Briggs & Stratton 2-stroke. The more tired he is, the worse his snoring
will be.
Obviously, normal
techniques are futile, even harmful, when you’re dealing with a hard-core
snorer. If you wake him up, his
subconscious hostility will only increase.
Therefore, you have to startle him to a state of semi-consciousness
without revealing yourself. I have found
marbles to work beautifully. I keep a
jar by my bed, and when T.T., my E.E. roommate, snores, I throw a marble at
him. The zinging noise it makes on its
trajectory, the harmless sting it gives on impact, and the cracking noise it
makes as it ricochets into the wall are all excellent snore-deterrents. The real beauty of this technique is that
after a few assaults, T.T. has learned to automatically associate the sound of
marbles clinking against a glass jar with pain and noise. Now, I only have to clink my marbles and the
snoring instantly stops—so I can avoid the guilt of having assaulted my
roommate. Fortunately, this Pavlovian
effect took hold before T.T. figured out why he kept waking up with marbles in
his bed.
Part Four: Talking in your sleep
I guess this is
technically optional, but it sure is fun.
Having one roommate stay up all night to monitor nocturnal speech is
sometimes difficult, but luckily T.T. is almost always awake, and C.S., my Art
Studio roommate, was thoughtful enough to equip T.T. with a notebook titled “Secret
Sayings from the Kingdom of Sleep.”
Now, you might
think we’d want to leave our unconscious utterances unrecorded, in case we say
something incriminating. But we’re all
far too nerdy for that. The classic
incriminating utterance would be “Oh, Wendy” as overheard by your girlfriend,
Julie. But we don’t have girlfriends,
and if we did, and they heard us say “Oh, Wendy,” they’d be like, “In your
dreams!” They’d never believe us suave
enough to cheat, these hypothetical girlfriends.
Here are some actual
utterances from our apartment. I didn’t
make these up—they’re taken right from the bedside journal.
Ladle! Ladle!” (yelling)
“No! I won’t! Oh, I don’t care anyway.”
“More stories... I don’t have the energy.”
“What number did you pick?”
“Orange. It will
really shake the very foundation of
the earth. Plus, uh, Geoff: the shirt took sanction.”
“Somewhere, someone, the wheels are rolling.”
“What a feeling.”
(Hysterical laughter)
“Question: I’m
asking you...? My phone’s all
screwed up.”
“Grey, brown, dark blue, gloomy... Walk around, saying
things like Sartre.”
“Check me out!”
Part Five: Dreams
Achieving the most
interesting dream is linked closely to diet.
If you eat a lot of garlic right before bed, or a spicy burrito, that
should help. Of course, the real key to
memorable dreams is to have a really twisted mind. I wish I did because my stories would be
better, and C.S. wishes he did because his art would be better. Only T.T. has disturbing dreams, usually
involving a midterm he forgot to study for (which of course would never happen
in real life).
Part Six: Catching up on sleep
For some reason,
night isn’t always the best time for sleeping.
The other day, C.S. and I both awoke at 3:00 am for no apparent
reason. After an hour of talking,
laughing, and throwing marbles at our resident snorer, we decided sleep was
futile. I studied while C.S. zoned
out. Of course, this sleep must be made
up at some point — usually as soon as possible.
For me, the hours between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm are best suited for catch-up
sleep. It just so happens, my classes fall
within the same time interval!
If you can time it
right, you’ll only sleep during lectures.
Typically there are so many students, the professor won’t notice. Sit pretty far back because most of the
professors are nearsighted from a career spent staring at a book, equation, or
painting. But then, targeting lectures is not always possible; after all, sleep makes its own
I fell asleep in French class
last week, my elbow on the desk and my head propped in my hand, and Molly, the
cute blonde next to me, knocked my elbow out so I went sprawling, knocking my
books to the floor. Amazingly, the
instructor didn’t chew me out or anything.
Either she’s a romantic, and took Molly’s treachery for flirting, or
assumed I was up all night phoning my relatives in earthquake-ridden San
Francisco. Or maybe it’s because this instructor is young,
and thinks back fondly on how, not so long ago, she herself slept through
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