It’s pretty widely acknowledged that most of us multitask.
At the same time, we’re lately bombarded with warnings about how ineffective
and even harmful multitasking is. Neither multitasking nor these warnings look
like they’ll subside anytime soon. So what’s going on here? Are people just
dense and/or stubborn, or are the naysayers full of crap? Neither, I’ll argue.
Both the behavior and the warnings are partially correct.
What is multitasking?
I think this question is the crux of the matter. Those who
warn against multitasking too often do so without defining what they’re even
talking about. This article on declares that “Multitasking makes you less productive,” “Multitasking
makes you less effective,” and “Multitasking can slow down your brain,” but
doesn’t ever say what multitasking is. This article in Forbes says, “A study at the University of London found that participants
who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced IQ score declines that were
similar to what they’d expect if they had smoked marijuana or stayed up all
night.” Pretty specific consequences, but again the precise multitasking
behavior isn’t described whatsoever. Imagine an article saying that “drinking
caused test subjects to be unable to walk in a straight line or speak clearly”
without saying how much was drunk and of what. And yet “drinking” in this
context is no more general than the term “multitasking.”
This article on at least gives a few examples: “We all do it: Texting while
walking, sending emails during meetings, chatting on the phone while cooking
dinner.” The problem is, these examples don’t add up to a specific type of behavior.
Let’s apply this to my earlier example: “We all do it. Sharing a Heineken with
our spouse. Having a glass of wine with dinner. Lining up eight shots on the
bar and downing them one after another in the span of just a few minutes.”
In other words, I find fault with any article that implies
all multitasking behaviors are equivalent. Sending emails during a meeting, I
would argue, is more difficult than chatting on the phone while cooking dinner.
It’s pointless to lump these activities together as a single behavior that
should be avoided. To advise anybody on the effectiveness of multitasking, we
need to define it better.
So what is
multitasking, really?
At its most basic, multitasking is doing more than one thing
at a time. I mean, duh. So, walking while chewing gum is multitasking. Singing
in the shower is multitasking. Listening to music while driving is
multitasking. So is knitting while watching instructive calculus videos at
This last example is from real life … I caught my daughter trying to do this
the other day. (I hope she did better on the test than on the scarf.)
The problem arises, I think, from the promise of modern
technologies that, we believe, can endlessly increase our productivity. We can
have multiple tabs open on our browsers, can play background music on our
laptops, and can carry on multiple concurrent chats in separate windows. In
fact, the term multitasking originated in the computer realm, according to the
OED (as described here). When we use this term to describe human behavior, it’s somewhat
metaphorical, as though the human brain worked just like a computer’s CPU. To
the extent it doesn’t, we fall down on the job.
The temptation to do two things at once is perfectly reasonable:
we don’t have time to do everything, so we need to be as efficient as possible.
It doesn’t make sense to abandon this impulse entirely, just because it’s said
to be ineffective and/or dangerous. Instead, we should simply be more careful
about exactly what we try to double up on.
Multitasking I totally
First off, the phone can be a great multitasking device—so long
as you use it as a phone. All kinds
of things can be done while having a telephone conversation. My favorite such activity
is doing the dishes. This is such a brain-dead simple operation, I’m this close to being able to do it in my
sleep. That’s why it’s so boring. So whenever I decide to phone up a friend or
family member, I like to put on my headset and head into the kitchen. At least
99% of my brain power goes into the conversation, and at the end the dishwasher
is loaded and the kitchen is clean. Should I really stop doing this just because
every time someone multitasks, God kills a kitten?
I’m not saying any
phone conversation can be carried out while housekeeping. When I’m on a work call,
I need to concentrate more. That doesn’t mean I don’t multitask, though; I like
to take notes on my laptop during the call, which not only helps me remember
what was discussed, but actually increases my focus. This only works, of
course, because I can touch-type. (Writing down notes actually distracts me, probably because it’s slower so I fall behind.)
Where people get in trouble, I’ve found, is when they try to
sneak a peek at other incoming information during a boring conference call.
First they’re just scanning their inbox, then they’re reading their email, and
soon enough someone on the call asks them a question and they reply, “Could you
provide a little more context around exactly what you’re asking?” which is code
for “I totally didn’t hear a word you said and would like another try.”
So what about the example, chatting on the phone
while cooking dinner? I’ve totally done that! If I’m just shooting the shit
with my brother, while making a barebones pasta dinner for my kids, there’s
almost no way I’m going to screw up. Worst case scenario, a pot boils over or I
temporarily forget the spinach in the microwave. This is in no way similar to
the dire consequences of trying to text while driving, even though both get
lumped into this insanely generally category called multitasking.
Sure, sometimes this benign multitasking will backfire. The
other day a phone conversation took an unexpectedly intense turn while I was
making pour-over coffee, with this unfortunate result:
Sure, that was a bit of a mess, but does it mean going
forward I should just sit in a chair with my hands in my lap every time I talk on
the phone?
How to choose your
The trick to multitasking, I think, is to make sure you only
pair cognitively difficult tasks with brainless ones. Singing in the shower is
pretty obviously a safe pairing because neither task demands your full
attention. Where things get tricky is when both activities seem simple—boring,
even—but they are nonetheless too complicated to actually do simultaneously.
For example, driving isn’t particularly exciting, but it’s
very demanding cognitively. Texting is such a humdrum, everyday activity, it’s
tempting to think it’s brainless—but it’s not. Needless to say, texting while driving
is a dangerously stupid combination. The problem is, you simply can’t watch the
screen and the road at the same time. You have to go back and forth between the
two, which is much harder than many people seem to think. They try to run a
mental process that keeps track of how long they’ve looked away from the road,
but texting draws them in and subverts this process. Next thing you know, their
urgent message—”whats up lol”—has gotten them in an accident.
So to draw the line between reasonable and unreasonable
multitasking, you should ask yourself whether you’re truly doing two things at
once—singing and soaping, for example—or just shifting your attention back and
forth between two points of focus—say, the video and your knitting, or your
screen and the road. If your multitasking involves that constant shifting of
focus, then you really aren’t being efficient or effective. You’re merely interleaving
two tasks, and adding a third focus-management process on top of them. Your
performance actually drops.
Case study
After I watched my daughter trying to knit while watching the
calculus video, I had her do a little multitasking game with
me. (I learned it in a class I took recently on executive function.) All you do
is write out, by hand, the sentence “Multitasking is worse than a lie” and then,
below this on the page, you write out all the numbers from 1 to 27. You time
this activity with a stopwatch. Here’s the result my daughter and I got:
Writing the sentence and then the numbers took us 23
seconds. (Actually, I was a second or two slower than my daughter. She’s a born
Then, you do the same task, except that you write the
sentence and the number sequence simultaneously—or, to put it more accurately,
you interleave the tasks. That is, you write a letter, then a number, then the
next letter, then the next number, and so on until you’re done. Here’s how that
came out for my daughter and me:
The end result is pretty much the same—both the sentence and
the number strings are complete—but the operation took us more than twice as
long, at 48 seconds. Also, I didn’t do as good a job … somewhere along the line
I dropped one of the numbers and only got up to 26. As you can see, neither
task is difficult, but both require your complete attention if you’re to do
them efficiently.
Not so fast
It’s actually an oversimplification to divide all activities
into “requires focus” and “doesn’t require focus.” For example, in general I’d
say listening to an audio book while driving is a safe activity, but not always.
My family enjoyed listening to Lemony Snicket while driving through rural Oregon,
but I once tried and failed to listen to Wallace Shawn’s one-man play The Fever while driving southbound on I-880. Wallace Shawn is the highly intellectual guy
who had dinner with Andre (and should have titled his play My Dinner Without Andre), and I-880 is a hellish stretch of freeway
between Berkeley and Silicon Valley that features high-speed bumper-to-bumper
traffic as early as 6:00 a.m. I didn’t crash my car, but had to save The Fever for later.
Similarly, chatting on the phone while cooking isn’t always
a reasonable combination. What if it’s a delicate discussion, and/or you’re trying
out some really tricky new recipe? There’s no conversation so casual that I
could maintain it while trying to follow an instruction like this: “When nearing 234 degrees, there is a fine overall bubbling with,
simultaneously, a coarser pattern, as though the fine bubbled areas were being
pulled down for quilting into the coarser ones.” Similarly, just making toast
might be too much for me if a loved one is croaking out his dying words over the phone.
I think the trick to multitasking is to pause and question
yourself honestly: are you really
increasing efficiency by combining these two activities, in this particular instance?
Is it truly the case that nothing is lost? If you and your spouse are carrying
on a conversation while walking your dog, the answer to this internal query may
well be yes. But other situations should reasonably lead you to question your
behavior. Does the friend who’s trying to talk to you really not care that you’re only pretending to listen while you
futz with your phone? Is the angry motorist honking and flipping you the bird really the one who’s out of line? Is there
actually any point in attending a conference call in which you miss 90% of what
is discussed?
My conclusion: feel free to multitask … just keep yourself
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